Padre Pio Onlus Rehabilitation Centers Foundation is an institution that operates in the sector of private out-of-hospital rehabilitation medicine, institutionally accredited with the NHS, within the territorial area of the Province of Foggia.

It provides the following rehabilitation services:

  1. RESIDENTIAL (intensive and extensive);
  2. OUTPATIENTS (individual and group);

It was born as an Association in 1971, thanks to the Capuchin Friars Minor of the Religious Province of Sant’Angelo and Padre Pio, with the aim of assisting people with disabilities, especially children in need of care.

The tireless work of its founder Father Michele Placentino, starting from San Giovanni Rotondo, moves along the furrow traced by the teachings of Padre Pio and spreads to the surrounding villages.

Padre Pio and Padre Michele Placentino, the inspirer and founder of the rehabilitation centers, lived in close contact in the Convent of San Giovanni Rotondo from 1964 to 1968. © Photographic archive of the Voce di Padre Pio Foundation, all rights reserved.

In a short time, it becomes an essential point of reference for those families who, living in small isolated villages, are forced to make long trips to reach the largest centers and those few structures capable of providing adequate care.

In 2002 the Association gives way to the current Padre Pio Onlus Rehabilitation Centers Foundation, which continues its rehabilitation activity inspired by the same principles of Christian charity and integral promotion of the human person.

Since its origins, the Foundation has proposed an organizational model that meets the needs of individual citizens for care, paying great attention to local health care ensured by a widespread presence of Outpatient and Home Services.

A “network” company organization that also includes an important national and international technical-scientific reference point, the “Gli Angeli di Padre Pio” Residential and Extra-residential Presidium, which guarantees intensive care using highly innovative systems and equipment in the field of rehabilitation medicine.

Based on this experience, gained in over fifty years of activity, the Padre Pio Centers are perfectly in line with the new development plans provided by the National Health Service.

A multi-professional, structured team of considerable scientific and professional stature operates within it, consisting of health management experts, medical specialists (in physical and rehabilitative medicine, neurology, orthopedics, child neuropsychiatry, cardiology, internal medicine, ophthalmology), psychologists and psychotherapists, rehabilitation health professionals (physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, developmental neuro and psychomotor therapists, professional educators and orthoptists), biomedical engineers, healthcare professionals nurses, social workers, support staff and administrative staff as well as sought-after consultants, freelancers and collaborators of prestigious Italian and foreign healthcare facilities and universities.

The Foundation is registered with the ARIS employers’ association – Religious Association of Social and Health Institutes. The A.R.I.S., based in Rome, brings together representatives of ecclesiastical institutions (religious and secular) or connected to them, which provide health care services.

The ARIS Association acts under the supervision of the Ecclesiastical Authority (Italian Episcopal Conference – C.E.I.) in accordance with cann. 298-299-305-322-325 of the code of canon law, is inspired by the directives of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Healthcare Workers and of the competent body for the Pastoral Healthcare of the CEI.

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Our rehabilitation treatments

Discover the territorial facilities

Your 5x1000 is precious!


Residential, outpatient and home care




Rehabilitation services pursuant to art. 26 L 833/78 are aimed at subjects suffering from immediate post-acute or chronic pathologies that require personalized and prolonged multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatments (health, social, psychological, educational, training) of medium and long duration that aim to prevent or reduce or stabilize the disability that these pathologies can cause.


The Foundation welcomes users with pathologies of the nervous system: outcomes of stroke, cranial brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, neuromuscular diseases, of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, of the musculoskeletal system (hip prosthesis, knee, amputation, trauma).

Users with developmental disabilities (PCI, muscular dystrophies), autism spectrum disorders, attention, language, learning, genetic syndromes and patients affected by oncological diseases also have access.

Waiting time

Each service request is entered with all the necessary data in a booking register based on the garrison.


Widespread presence on the territory of Residential, Outpatient, Home Care facilities

“Gli Angeli di Padre Pio” è un presidio di riabilitazione extraospedaliero a ciclo continuativo, privato e accreditato con il SSR. I numerosi presidi diffusi sul territorio accolgono gli utenti con patologie del sistema nervoso, con disabilità dell’età evolutiva, disturbi dello spettro autistico, dell’attenzione, del linguaggio, dell’apprendimento, sindromi genetiche e assistiti affetti da patologie oncologiche.

All’interno di ogni presidio territoriale opera un team riabilitativo di professionisti, costituito da medici, operatori della riabilitazione (fisioterapisti, logopedisti, TNPEE, ortottisti, terapisti occupazionali), ingegneri, psicologi, infermieri, operatori socio sanitari.


Sicurezza delle cure in sanità

Rischio Clinico

Abbiamo un approccio rigoroso ed organizzato per la gestione del rischio clinico in grado di ridurlo al minimo.


Avv. Maria Mangiacotti
Tel. 0882/451195 – 454099

La Fondazione Centri di Riabilitazione Padre Pio Onlus ha implementato un sistema di segnalazioni conforme alla normativa sul Whistleblowing, dotandosi di una piattaforma informatica che garantisce la riservatezza del segnalante a cui possono accedere i dipendenti dell’Organizzazione muniti di proprie credenziali secondo la procedura scaricabile in questa pagina.


Alta tecnologia al servizio della riabilitazione





La Fondazione eroga prestazioni di altissima qualità con tecnologie innovative e robot. Presso il presidio “Gli Angeli di Padre Pio” si effettua la  riabilitazione extraospedaliera a ciclo continuativo, privato e accreditato con il SSR che accoglie 65 posti letto per disabili fisici, psichici e sensoriali per adulti e bambini.


Ci prendiamo cura di voi

Dal 1 Marzo 2015 è stata inaugurata una palestra altamente tecnologica, attigua al presidio “Gli Angeli di Padre Pio”, aperta a tutti gli utenti esterni che vogliono sottoporsi ad attività fisica e sportiva adattata.


Semplicemente chiamando il numero 0882456264-74 specificando nella richiesta “Valutazione Health Fitness

Gallerie Fotografiche

12-17 Monumento a Padre Michele


I protagonisti raccontano la loro esperienza nei nostri centri di riabilitazione