Provided Performance


Residential rehabilitation integrates the home and outpatient treatments offered by our facilities or other presences on the national territory as it welcomes regional and extra regional users.

The residential presidium offers an interdisciplinary treatment with rehabilitative, educational and welfare values. It operates for three different types: 0-18 years for neuropsychosensory pathologies in which a rehabilitative diagnostic path is made, investing in the residual abilities of the patients and in the resources of the families …


Access to rehabilitation centers pursuant to art. 26 takes place with the prescription of the general practitioner or the free choice pediatrician on the regional NHS form.

The prescription of rehabilitation treatment pursuant to Article 26 must contain:

  • the clinical diagnosis that justifies the treatment requested;
  • the type of rehabilitation treatment, the regime (outpatient, home care) in which it must be provided, the number of benefits…

Home deliveries

Home rehabilitation offers a treatment that can be completed directly at home or represent a transitional phase in which all the actions that allow the treatment to continue in the clinic are activated. This model of assistance allows the patient to stay at home, in his own family and relationship environment, being able to equally benefit from the assistance needed to improve the rehabilitative course.


Rehabilitation treatments

Rehabilitation therapies and related services

The neurological pathologies are among the first causes of disability and their incidence is constantly increasing also due to the current aging of the population; the result is an ever-increasing demand for specific rehabilitation intervention, aimed at maximizing the functional capacity of the neurological patient.

Patients suffering from post-acute or chronic post-acute or central nervous system diseases (cerebral stroke, outcomes of traumatic and non-traumatic myelopathies, surgically treated expansive brain processes, multiple sclerosis, etc.) are welcomed. The structure also welcomes patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state due to severe acquired brain injury.

Orthopedic pathologies, especially those of surgical interest, affect an important slice of the elderly and young population; rehabilitation offers many advantages to this type of patient as it allows, in most cases, complete functional recovery. Patients suffering from surgically treated orthopedic pathologies (hip prosthesis, knee prosthesis, shoulder prosthesis, cruciate ligament reconstruction) and patients suffering from polytrauma outcomes or with amyelic segmental and vertebral fracture outcomes, treated surgically are treated. Particular attention is given to patients who have undergone amputation of upper or lower limbs and are prosthesisable. During hospitalization at our facility the patient is prepared and trained to use the prosthesis.

Pneumological rehabilitation is a path dedicated to patients suffering from pathologies affecting the airways, lung parenchyma and respiratory muscles such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but also from bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, ventilator deficits in subjects with deformities of the rib cage (kyphoscoliosis), with neuromuscular diseases, with respiratory failure of any origin. Essential components of respiratory rehabilitation programs are also educational and reconditioning to physical exercise. The latter aims to increase the ability to perform physical activity, to reduce the feeling of anxiety connected to physical activity and to restore a sufficient degree of autonomy.

Pediatric rehabilitation takes care of patients in developmental age affected by:

  • neuromotor disorders or following severe or chronic brain injury such as infantile cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, severe malformations of the locomotor system (even after functional surgical treatment), genetic syndromes and rare diseases;
  • surgically treated orthopedic pathologies resulting from polytrauma or skeletal and vertebral segmental fractures.

The goal is adaptation to everyday life, providing patients with information on orthoses, aids and changes to the environment, with particular reference to ergonomics and joint economics. For this reason, the patient is evaluated by an occupational therapist, during the hours of lunch and on waking up in the morning, in order to promote greater autonomy in the activities of daily life (eating, washing, dressing, etc.).

Cognitive functions are fundamental for a satisfactory recovery of the autonomy of patients suffering in particular from neurological pathology. Therefore a careful analysis of these functions is important. Our structure offers a Clinical Psychology service for the assessment and training of recovery of cognitive functions. All this allows a more complete recovery of the patient’s autonomy.

Very often it is necessary to use specific orthoses or aids to achieve a greater level of independence. In our presidium the physiatrists evaluates the necessity of an aid and, assisted by the occupational therapist, the physiotherapist and the orthopedic technician, indicate, prescribe and finally train the patient to use the most suitable orthosis or aid.

Access mode

The Foundation welcomes users with pathologies of the nervous system: outcomes of stroke, cranial brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, neuromuscular diseases, of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, of the locomotor apparatus (hip prosthesis, knee, amputees, traumas).

Users with developmental disabilities (PCI, muscular dystrophies), autism spectrum disorders, attention, language, learning, genetic syndromes and patients affected by oncological diseases also have access.

Paid treatments for private users

Patients oriented to perform paid services (in Solvency) can obtain all general information by calling 0882456264, by Fax at 0882453817 or even by email

The patients concerned will be evaluated by specialist doctors who will propose treatment plans appropriate to their clinical and rehabilitative needs.

Professional activity (intramoenia)

The Professional Free Activity (or intramural) refers to the services provided by doctors and healthcare professionals of the Center. Visits provided under the professional free activity regime guarantee the user the possibility to choose the professional to whom to turn and are therefore subject to the payment of a fee according to the tariff approved by the General Management.

To book a visit, contact the Secretariat either directly or by telephone.

If a treatment is prescribed, the Secretariat will provide information.